Dirección: GDA – Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e. V. Offices – Fritz-Vomfelde-Strasse 30, 5th floor – rooms 05 + 12
Población: 40547 DÜSSELDORF
Provincia: ALEMANIA
Tel.: 00492114796144
Web: www.aerobal.org
Correo electrónico: aerobal@aluinfo.de
About fourtyfour years after its foundation on 22nd September 1976, AEROBAL, the former European Association of Aluminim Aerosol Container Manufacturers, was transformed into an international organisation as of 1st January 2006. AEROBAL represents 26 international aluminium aerosol can producers running production plants in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Australia and Africa. Thanks to this enlargement AEROBAL covers the main aluminium aerosol can markets worldwide and represents about 73 % of the overall aluminium aerosol can production.