New EPAL quality classification enhances the use and exchange of epal euro palletses palettes europe epal

Under what conditions can an EPAL Euro pallet no longer be exchanged? Is the quality of a Euro pallet reduced by wood splintering or residual labels? How do you know if a pallet is suitable for a high-bay racking system? What is the optimum quality for automated processes? These and many other queries are answered in the EPAL Quality Classification and Terms of Exchange. The new edition of the Quality Classification and Terms of Exchange has now been approved by the EPAL Board.

The European Pallet Association e.V. (EPAL) has revised the Quality Classification and Terms of Exchange in close collaboration with retail, hauliers, pallet service providers and repairers. The new edition of the EPAL Quality Classification still includes the distinction, commonly recognised in the market, between new EPAL Euro pallets, and class A, B and C used EPAL Euro pallets. The new group ‘Unsorted pallets’ covers pallets which are mixed by participants in the EPAL exchange pool and are exchanged one-to-one without having been previously sorted.

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