Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Niemeyer is leaving the company at his own request

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Niemeyer is leaving the company at his own request

On December 31, 2017, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Niemeyer, chairman of the Executive Management Board at KHS GmbH, is leaving the company at his own request to face new challenges elsewhere. In his years in this post he has sustainably furthered technological product development, made an important contribution to significantly increasing sales and bringing about a number of considerable improvements for both the KHS Group and its customers. The Supervisory Board of KHS GmbH would like to thank Professor Niemeyer most sincerely for his committed and successful work in the service of the company. We wish him all the best for the future and continued further success in both his private life and professional career.

Until a final decision has been made regarding the new appointment to the post of chairman of the Executive Management Board, Mr. Burkhard Becker shall assume the position of chairman of the Executive Management Board of KHS GmbH in addition to his role as member of the Salzgitter AG Executive Management Board.

The further members of the Executive Management Board of KHS GmbH, Prof. E.h. Dr.-Ing. Johann Grabenweger (Sales and Service) and Martin Resch (Finance, Purchasing, IT & Legal Affairs), shall continue to perform their duties as before.

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