Estudios de mercado

Industry leader Jenny Stanley launches comprehensive book on connected packaging

‘Connected Packaging: The Game-Changing Marketing Tool’ offers in-depth insights into the future of brand-consumer interactions Creative technology studio Appetite Creative the 4th of September announced the launch of a brand-new book, ‘Connected Packaging: The Game-Changing Marketing Tool’ authored by its Managing Director, Jenny Stanley. A pioneer in the connected packaging industry, Stanley’s comprehensive guide offers [...]

EU packaging waste generation with record increase

From parcels for online purchases to coffee-to-go cups, packaging is almost everywhere. In 2021, the EU generated 188.7 kg packaging waste per inhabitant, 10.8 kg more per person than in 2020, the biggest increase in 10 years, and almost 32 kg more than in 2011. In total, the EU generated 84 million tonnes of packaging waste, of which 40.3% [...]

Sostenibilidad y cosmética: una asignatura presente

La sostenibilidad ya no es solo una tendencia o una moda (aunque también). Realmente, es una exigencia legislativa. Es una responsabilidad de todos, tanto de productores como de consumidores, preservar los recursos de nuestro planeta. Y, en este sentido, la industria cosmética está haciendo sus deberes. Mar Santamaria, Responsable de Atención Farmacéutica de PromoFarma by [...]

Estudio sobre la situación del sector empresarial del packaging, la logística y el transporte

Los profesionales de la industria señalan que existen ciertas reservas de cara a la implementación de nuevas tecnologías en estos tres sectores Los principales retos a los que las empresas de packaging, logística y transporte se enfrentan actualmente en su día a día son la falta de talento, la implementación de la digitalización y la [...]

All data at a glance: the new Ceresana study on the European label market

Are mini shampoo bottles or stickers on bananas redundant? The EU Commission wants to ban "unnecessary packaging" with a new regulation. This would also affect label manufacturers. Other EU regulations, however, are increasing the demand for labels, for example, because the nutritional value of food, the energy consumption of electrical appliances, or the hazardousness of [...]

Logística, transporte y automoción frena sus expectativas de contratación de cara al verano

Con unas previsiones neutras, este sector es el menos optimista en sus intenciones de contratación. A nivel global, Logística muestra una proyección positiva, con un 28%. Estudio de Proyección de Empleo de ManpowerGroup para el tercer trimestre de 2023 sobre el sector de Logística, Transporte y Automoción El Estudio de Proyección de Empleo de ManpowerGroup [...]

Box buyers: Know what’s behind your price

A brand’s packaging choices are more important than ever. Booming e-commerce is accelerating shipping box demand. Social media is increasing brand exposure and “unboxing” videos remain popular. Brands know packaging communicates values and quality, as well as protecting product. Read more

8 de cada 10 personas en España están a favor de prohibir los plásticos de un solo uso

Tres cuartas partes de la población mundial, de media, están de acuerdo en que los plásticos de un solo uso deben prohibirse, una medida que quiere impulsar la Unión Europea. Cerca de 9 de cada 10 personas en el mundo, consideran necesario alcanzar un acuerdo global para combatir la contaminación por plásticos. De media, 8 [...]

Trends in packaging: all this and more in 2022

No one can predict the future exactly. However, some trends and market developments for the coming year can already be estimated. There’s no doubt about it: 2021 was anything but a normal year, and that’s particularly true of the economy. Across the board (not just in the packaging industry), we were and are affected by [...]

FINAT RADAR #16 released: Supply chain continuity and sustainability top of mind among label customers

FINAT has released the 16th edition of its half-yearly market trends report, the FINAT RADAR. This edition, released the weeks before Christmas, was based on a survey and follow-up interviews with more than 60 brand owners and printed packaging buyers across Europe in a variety of market segments. Whether it is in food, beverages, personal [...]

Packaging that reflects lifestyle

Packaging design has always been pivotal to the success of consumer goods. But the last few years have seen significant changes in the way packaging is used to convey brand messages. Packaging generally conveys the first impression of a product and gives the brand an identity.Consumers want to feel that the packaging caters to their [...]

Track and trace system as an answer to encourage reusable packaging

The digital economy can help us prevent packaging waste, say researchers at Lancaster University and University of St Andrews, who are working with the founders of Reath, a start-up business based in Edinburgh, with a mission to build the digital infrastructure for reuse. The research findings are based on interviews with manufacturing brands, retailers, regulatory [...]

Europe and US are leading innovation in plastic recycling and alternative plastics globally, patent data shows

European Patent Office (EPO) study reveals that Europe and US together account for 60% of patenting activity worldwide related to plastic recycling and bioplastic technologies Of all recycling technologies, chemical and biological methods generated highest level of patenting activity Healthcare, cosmetics and detergent industries are at the forefront of innovation in bioplastics EPO President António [...]

Digital technology and sustainable solutions: That’s how you reach generation YZ

As consumers and future employees, generations Y and Z are the target of marketing and recruiting initiatives by the packaging sector. But where and how do you reach out to this generation? Marketing experts and recruiters are eyeing the generation of young people born after 1995 with great interest. Known as generation Z or digital [...]